
Big or Small Customers, Which is More Important?

We must nurture each customer as we do each flower in our garden.  Yes, there are the larger and more colorful flowers that immediately capture our attention but never underestimate the small delicate flowers (our smaller customers) that are sprinkled throughout the bed. They too may grow to be BIG and beautiful. Recognize the Potential of Your […]

Big or Small Customers, Which is More Important? Read More »

How Good Service In a Restaurant Affects Your Family Budget

You know the drill…money is tight so your spouse tells you to not spend too much.  No more $15 lunches, no more afternoon snacks from the corner store, and those “sports magazines”…no more for a few months. Boy, what a way to start the week! How Good Service In a Restaurant Affects Your Family Budget. So,

How Good Service In a Restaurant Affects Your Family Budget Read More »