One of the most basic methods for gathering customer feedback that companies employ to understand more about their clientele is the “How did you hear about us?” survey. Organizations may concentrate marketing, sales, and customer support efforts on the channels and audiences most beneficial to their business by understanding how customers find the brand.

How to Make a Survey Asking “How Did You Hear About Us”
Since “How Did You Hear About Us” forms only have one question and usually provide the consumer with multiple-choice options, they are straightforward to construct.
The challenge is in perfecting the time and placement of the survey since these factors typically determine whether or not visitors will fill it out or continue.
It’s crucial to utilize the appropriate survey configuration. Instead of using rich text, you should use a form maker with multiple-choice answers. The consumer may write whatever response they want in rich text, but it will be harder to evaluate afterward.
By restricting answers to a list, your team may employ quantitative analysis, which is quicker and more reliable than analyzing qualitative replies. If you’re unsure about the format of a “How did you hear about us?” survey, continue reading for some samples.
How Did You Hear About Us Examples?
The location and timing of your survey trigger will dictate how you phrase this question.
It’s crucial to think about the question’s timing and wording so that it flows easily into the participant’s responses to the other inquiries.
Here are a few examples.
1. ‘How Did You Hear About Us’ Basic Survey
An exemplary ‘How did you hear about us?’ poll would look like this. It asks, “How did you learn about the company?” and offers five standard responses.
Ideal for: Compiling data before a purchase (for example, during the checkout procedure) or following a purchase (for example, in the email confirming the sale).
2. How did you find out about this position? Take a look
Asking yourself this question will help you enhance your hiring strategy and gain more insight into your recruitment process if you’re in the hiring phase.
Ideal for Job applications and correspondence with potential candidates to find out how they found your listing during the hiring process.
3. ‘How Did You Hear About Us’ Survey Lead Capture
The ‘How Did You Hear About Us’ survey question in this form builder adds extra fields that collect lead information.
Ideal for: Incorporating into a webpage or blog to gather data about your clientele and concurrently add a new contact to your CRM.
4. “How Did You Find Out About This Happening?” Take a look
Your marketing team may utilize this event-focused ‘How Did You Hear About Us’ poll to gather insights on where to target consumers with future event advertising.
Ideal for: One question in a post-event satisfaction survey or sign-up and event registration forms.
5. Survey of Consumer Behavior
Asking consumers how they usually learn about businesses or items in your market is better than asking them how they found your brand.
Ideal for: Customer feedback surveys, lead acquisition forms, and focus group questionnaires are valuable tools for getting a more comprehensive picture of where customers are.
You may also use these examples in surveys as replacements for the ‘How Did You Hear About Us’ question.
How Did You Hear About Us Options:
Various ‘How Did You Hear About Us’ choices are provided below, which you can choose based on the purpose of your survey.
“Who referred you to us?”: If your staff members interact directly with consumers, they may pose this question while maintaining a friendly and conversational tone.
When a consumer answers this question at the register or during a sales presentation, your staff should record the customer’s response and update their contact details afterward.
“Was it easy to find us?”: You could be more interested in how your consumers find you if you don’t care as much about where they’re coming from. People may be discouraged from dealing with your organization if they spend much time looking for your business on social media and search engines.
You may use this question to assess the accessibility of your company and whether your content or SEO strategy needs to be modified.
“How would you rate our sign-up process?”: Ask clients to evaluate your registration procedure indirectly to learn how they found your business. Customers may use the comment section to share how they found your company and offer suggestions on making it more accessible.
After reviewing a few possible questions, continue reading for some example responses to utilize in your “How did you hear about us?” survey.
Answers to How Did You Hear About Us:
Take some ideas from these responses for your form. Use the headings above the paragraph for a more straightforward survey. Try adding more answers from the bullet points if you’re searching for more in-depth findings.
1. Promotion: Your marketing team may be interested in learning whether or not an advertising campaign is effective if they create this survey.
To find out exactly how a consumer reacted to your material, you can utilize more targeted replies than general ones like “marketing” or “advertisement.”
Sample Responses for Advertisements:
- Commercial Videos
- Television
- Newspaper
- Podcast Billboard
2. The Web: Customers may obtain information from the Internet when they input a query into a search box. Consumers may easily exchange information online thanks to search engines’ sophisticated algorithms, making it easier to locate precisely what they’re looking for.
If your company provides cloud-based or SaaS solutions, it’s critical to identify the precise methods by which clients access your website. Internet Sample Answers:
- Search Engines
- Social Media
- Another Company’s Website
- Job Listing
- Blog
- Customer Review Sites
- Organic Content
3. Oral Communication: A firm can be effectively recommended by its clients through word of mouth.
Word-of-mouth recommendations have a four times higher conversion rate than leads from other sources, even if they might not reach thousands of individuals. Answers from Word of Mouth Samples:
- Peer Referral
- Customer Testimonials
- Employer or Coworker
- Community Forum
4. Things that Happen: Some companies rely on events to network with potential customers and make sales.
You can add a ‘How did you learn about us?’ question on your event registration form, even if your team might not have the opportunity to do so at the event. Sample Responses for an Event:
- Webinar
- Corporate Visit/Social Media
- Gathering Training Session
5. Other: “Other” should always be an option in your survey. This allows participants to offer a response that may not have appeared in the multiple-choice question or to omit one entirely.
You may also allow participants to explain their “other” source. This gives you some more qualitative data that you may utilize to reclassify the response.
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