One of the fantastic possibilities for the successful candidates to travel and get involved in racing is the Word Nation International Automobile Racing Engineering Scholarship.

In addition to covering the costs of the Master of Science program in advanced motorsport engineering, this scholarship will also help with living expenses while the recipient is in the United Kingdom.
Stay tuned to this site to learn everything there is to know about the Fia Engineering Scholarship 2024–2025. Since the scholarship is available to all candidates for a two-year period, they can complete the application and get financial aid through the scholarship.
Fia Engineering Scholarship Program 2024 2025
Through scholarships, the Federation Internationale de off-road mobile, or FIA, provides financial support to individuals with an interest in motorsports.
The candidates who live in the United Kingdom will have their living expenses and tuition fees covered by the scholarship value. Therefore, anyone interested in applying can do so with ease. The deadline for completing the application form is April 1, 2024.
Fia Engineering Scholarship Apply 2024 2025
The application procedure has already begun and is anticipated to be finished on April 1, 2024. To be eligible for the benefits, you must submit the application by this date, and it is crucial that you do so.